Hearing Protection
There are a wide variety of hearing protection products available and which are most appropriate for you will depend upon the environment in which you are working.
Please remember that hearing protection is a last resort and you should consider if there are any means by which you can reduce your exposure to high sound pressure levels, rather than relying upon ear plugs and defenders. Please check the sound pressure pages on this wiki and the information posters in the area where you are working for more details.
Recording Studios and Rehearsal Rooms
The School provides basic disposable earplugs in every sound lock corridor of New Adelphi. These are fine to broadly reduce the sound pressure reaching the ear drum, but do not provide a flat response, so are only of limited use when practicing or performing.
Generic Earplugs
For musicians who have no other form of hearing protection and require an immediate solution, we recommend the Etymótic ETY or ER20xs, which can be purchased for around £15-20. These are a cost-effective earplug designed to provide around 16-20dB reduction across the spectrum of hearing.
Please do not consider paying any more than £30 for generic earplugs.
There are extremely cost-effective means of having custom-moulded earplugs manufactured.
Custom Earplugs
As practicing musicians, it is highly likely that you will be eligible to join the Musicians' Hearing Health Scheme. If you can demonstrate that the bulk of your income comes through music - which is probably more straightforward than you think - then for £40 the scheme offers:
- Audiological assessment and ear check up from a specialist in musicians' hearing.
- One set of custom made, specialist musicians' ear plugs using Etymótic filters.
- An automatic call back for a subsidised hearing test (discounted to £20) every two years.
- Expert advice on referral routes and next steps to manage any problems, including contact with your GP.
- Option of wax removal if necessary at a subsidised rate of £40.
Wax removal by 'syringing' is also offered for free by the Practice Nurses at many Salford health centres. Contact your GP for an initial check, who will be able to refer you on to the service.
Over-the-ear hearing protection is provided and should be worn when working in the Level 1 Workshops.
If you wish to purchase your own ear defenders, the 3M Peltor X series begin at £25 for X1 model, providing 22dB noise reduction.